ow Now that you have your Sunday inserts you are going to want to file them away for future savings. There are many ways to do this. Here’s how I do it. Each Sunday I file away inserts by kind (RP, SS, P&G). I label my folders with the date and the name of the insert.

I keep my folders in portable hanging file folder containers.

Each container holds up to two months of inserts. I only save what I can store and 3 buckets fit nicely on the bottom shelf of a bookcase in my closet. So I keep roughly about 6 months of back issues in Sunday insert

Now I have all my inserts in one location, out of sight. If I find a sale on an item I can do a search to see if there is an unexpired coupon to use with the sale. Coupon lists give the date and the insert name. I copy these down and then go to the file and cut my coupons.