Monday, July 20, 2009

Meal Plan Monday

Two meals from last week's menu got pushed back to this week as my husband was out of town for 2 days. I think the best part about our menu this week is that in addition to being simple--I don't need to go to the grocery store for anything this week!

Sunday: Grilled turkey burgers with roasted red pepper mayo, fries, corn on the cob, fruit salad.

Monday: KFC (our free meal coupons we got from the Oprah giveaway expire today!)

Tuesday: Taco salad (add black beans and corn)

Wednesday: Grilled chicken and strawberry topped salads

Thursday: Club sandwiches, carrots, chips, fruit

Friday: Pasta and sauce, green beans

Saturday: Hamand cheese stromboli, salads

Check out Org Junkie for more meal ideas!