Saturday, December 12, 2009

A tip for making holiday travel easier

My in-laws are an 18-20 hour drive from us. We make the drive usually twice a year and load up the van with videos, stories on cd, coloring books--the works--to make the trip easier for all of us. For years I had tons of DVD and CD cases at my feet along with all the snacks. Getting ready for one trip last year I realized we didn't need all those cases! Instead, I placed all of the disks into one disk holder like this:

I have no idea why I never thought of it before, but it's worked so great that we now keep all of our DVDs in one at home as well. It takes up much less space than all the cases and every disk is right at hand and easy to find.

So just in case you have a big trip coming up and need a little extra space in your vehicle, you might want to try a case like this!